About the GivePulse Platform

The Community Service Tool Used by Benedictine College


What is GivePulse?

GivePulse is a one-stop shop for finding, promoting, organizing, and documenting service and volunteering opportunities.

Where is GivePulse used?

GivePulse arrived in Atchison when Benedictine College started using it in the 2019-2020 academic year. The platform originated in Texas in 2012 and is now used across the country.

Who should use GivePulse?

GivePulse is designed for individuals, companies, or other groups who want to help out in their community. GivePulse is also useful for organizations who want to find volunteers.

Why does Benedictine use GivePulse?

Benedictine wants to build deeper connections with the larger Atchison community. Supporting the work of area non-profits and caring for those in need is just one of the many ways we hope to nurture that relationship. GivePulse helps students learn about and sign up for these kinds of opportunities.

The reason we chose GivePulse instead of other similar platforms is that GivePulse is free and available for anyone to use, not just students and faculty. We, as an Atchison community, can use GivePulse to foster and strengthen our community’s spirit of service and engagement.

How do I use GivePulse?

  • Benedictine Students and Employees:
    You already have an account! Just visit Benedictine College’s GivePulse page and click “Log in.” Use your RavenZone credentials to access your account.
  • Community Members:
    Visit www.givepulse.com and click “Sign Up.” You can create a new account or use Facebook or Google to sign up.

To learn more:

  • Read Former Mayor Shawn Rizza’s article about GivePulse in the Atchison Globe.
  • Listen to an interview about GivePulse with Director of Service-Learning, Meredith (Stoops) Doyle, on the local United Country Good News radio show.
  • Check out this article about GivePulse from our November 2019 newsletter.


Meredith Doyle
Director of Service-Learning
Benedictine College


GivePulse Student Worker
Benedictine College