Joseph Strandquist

Joseph Strandquist

Position: Instructor

Department: Physics and Astronomy

Office: Westerman Hall 315

Phone: 913.360.7432

Contact Joseph Strandquist

Mr. Joey Strandquist is the lab manager for the Department of Physics and Astronomy, as well as an instructor. He earned his BS in Physics from Benedictine College in 2019 and was subsequently admitted to the PhD program in Physics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He obtained his MS in Physics from there in 2021, then left to pursue his dream of teaching at his alma mater in 2022.  He lives in Atchison with his wife, Dr. Katharine Strandquist of the Benedictine Department of Engineering.


M.S. Physics

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2021

B.S. Physics, B.A. Philosophy

Benedictine College, 2019


Mr. Strandquist’s research interests are currently focused on the physics of foams in coffee, an area which has proven to be both fascinating and delicious. He works with current students in a small but dedicated lab space in Westerman Hall.


Strandquist, N. J. and Ngoko Djiokap, J. M. 2022, Phys. Rev. A 106, 043110. “Reversible electron spirals by chirped attopulses at zero time delay”